ClorDiSys Solutions has decades of microbial remediation expertise and offers Contract Sterilization Services to a wide variety of industries. There are two basic types. One is where we sterilize FDA regulated 510K Medical Devices in our FDA registered facility. If you’re interested in learning more about that, please come back for next week’s blog where we discuss that topic. The other is when we decontaminate your devices, equipment, supplies, and products at our facility, then ship them back to you or onward to a third party like a customer. ClorDiSys utilizes chlorine dioxide gas for sterilization instead of other commonly used gamma irradiation, ethylene oxide gas, steam, or electron beam methods. Our chlorine dioxide gas is a US EPA registered sterilant capable of killing all viruses, bacteria, fungi, and spores. It is also effective against beta lactams such as Penicillins, Cephalosporins, and Carbapenums as well as amplicons and pinworm eggs.

When outsourcing sterilization of components, supplies, medical devices, and equipment, consider your current needs as well as plans for future growth. The outsourcing of sterilization provides convenience, efficiency, and initial cost savings (dependent on size and frequency). ClorDiSys decontaminates a wide assortment of products within the multiple decontamination chambers at our New Jersey facility to fit whatever size items required. Customers can choose to single or double wrap items in Tyvek and may include biological indicators as well. Biological Indicators (BIs) are used to challenge the efficacy of a decontamination/sterilization cycle. Turnaround time is traditionally 24 hours, with items typically being shipped back the day after they arrive. In some cases, turnaround time can be hours, with the items arriving, being treated, and shipped on the same day. Upon completion, you will be issued a
Contract Decontamination Certification Sheet describing the process and showing the sterilization cycle data.
Learn more about ClorDiSys Solutions’ Contract Sterilization Services here, and contact us for a free consultation.